Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Ayurveda has non-surgical answers to spinal disorders


Patients suffering from serious and chronic spinal conditions are usually sent off to surgery. To many of them, Ayurveda can offer safer and more effective remedies that 'do not involve dragging knife over body'.

"We have had welcome results in all spinal cases we have taken up in the past 10 years… Our panchakarma treatment is now tried and tested," says Dr Kiran B. Nair, the CEO of Vaidya Healthcare Hospital in Kerala.

Nearly 15,000 cases of spinal injuries are added every year in India, according to a report tabled at the International Conference on Spinal Injuries Management held in New Delhi. Additionally, there are also the cases of spinal disorders and degenerative diseases. Together they are the leading cause of death, disability and work absence.

A case in point is of Pradeep M, now 40 years old. He had developed back pain and spondylitis due to the long hours spent behind the wheel ferrying passengers. After two years of going from doctor to doctor to find relief, he reached a point of no return. "The pain would keep returning with greater intensity after every brief interlude,” he remembers. "It almost ended my career."


Eventually, Pradeep put himself in Dr Kiran's care. Pradeep is now back to work, doing long hauls across Kerala and its neighbouring states. He is no more on medicines and is free of pain.


"Pradeep had a 21-day panchakarma treatment with us during which he was boarded with us at our centre in Perumbavoor. It entailed a series of message therapies using medicated oils. He was good to go thereafter," says Dr Kiran.


Pradeep shows the way to patients with spine conditions, especially to those facing possible surgery. "Panchakarma treatment is time-tested, validated through research, and proven to work,” says Dr Kiran. “Of course, we have to be selective about whom we admit for treatment.”

Like Pradeep, Jilson Paulose also came out cured from the treatment at VidyaHealthcare. Jilson was working in Bahrain when he fell in his bathroom and injured his spine. Later, he tested for slipped disc, a common condition among younger people these days. When his condition worsened, he broke work to return to Kerala and spent a month under treatment at Vaidya hospital.


Jilson hasn’t had to visit a doctor since!

“The good part is, people are now looking beyond allopathy, turning to good alternatives such as Ayurveda for medical relief… However, there is still a long way to go,” says Dr Kiran. “Fortunately, Ayurveda has the active support of the government now .”


There is, of course, the need for more hospitals such as Vaidya Healthcare in the country, which not only boasts of good facilities  and high standards of treatment and patient care, but also invests in medical research, and proper documentation.


In fact, thanks to such hospitals, Ayurveda is getting an image makeover as a system answering to the methods of modern sciences.

Vaidya Health Care Hospital

MC Road,Vattakatupady

Perumbavoor,Ernakulam ,Kerala India 683542 

0091-9744-55-3000 , 484 2526259,2528008,  0091 9995922289


Tuesday, 9 February 2021


Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, itchy skin and rashes on various parts of the body like the face, elbows, knees, hands and feet. The skin swells up and may turn red due to scratching. The skin’s barrier is damaged making the skin more sensitive to infection and dryness. People with eczema are also at the risk of developing hay fever and asthma. A trigger from outside or inside the body induces the immune system to produce inflammation and symptoms of eczema.

Symptoms Indicative of Eczema

  •     Dry, scaly, itchy skin
  •     Inflamed sensitive skin
  •     Red rashes
  •     Crust and pus formation
  •     Skin swelling

Ayurveda for Eczema

Eczema or Vicharchika is believed to be caused due to faulty diet and lifestyle in Ayurveda. Due to this, digestion is impaired and Pitta Dosha (Ayurvedic humor representing Fire) is aggravated. This causes accumulation of heating toxins in the body tissues that are manifested as eczema. In ayurveda, the treatment plan for eczema is aimed at enhancing the body’s digestion and cleansing the body of accumulated toxins. A treatment plan is developed that contains an individualized diet plan and specialized natural herbal medication. The treatment has been proven to pacify pitta and cure the disease from its roots to prevent recurrence.

Blog Reviewed By: Dr Kiran B Nair
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